Books and publications | translation

Allegro Language Services offers translation of academic literature, publications and other specialist texts. We understand the importance of accuracy and precision when working with such texts and are therefore meticulous when it comes to using the correct terminology.

Allegro’s team of experienced translators has broad knowledge of a variety of subject areas, allowing us to translate everything from scientific articles and academic publications to technical manuals and medical documents. We set a high standard for quality control whereby all translations undergo a thorough linguistic review to ensure they maintain the same level of professional depth as the original text. No matter the subject area, you can rely on our skilled translators to deliver translations of the highest quality that meet your specific needs.

Allegro has extensive experience translating books and publications, including textbooks and introductory books to Norwegian history and social studies for immigrants.  Other books include Thorbjørn Egner’s children's books: When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town (Folk og røvere), Claus Climbermouse (Klatremus), and Karius and Baktus.